Into its eight run, Starcube, the special startup program from Czech oldest accelerator – JIC (South Moravian Innovation Centre) is focused on augmented and virtual reality, big data analysis, sensors and cyber security. Teams from around the world can sign up until August 7th. During the autumn they will undergo an intensive three months full of seminars and consultations with international experts and mentors.
The application form can be filled by a startup with a team of at least two people. In addition to projects from these four technology areas, JIC STARCUBE 2016 is looking for aspiring entrepreneurs delivering solutions in five areas of application, namely Industry 4.0, Retail 2.0, Paperless Office, Smart city/home/office and Secured home/family.
JIC has equipped a workplace dedicated to the Internet of Things. This is a prototyping laboratory, where teams will be able to use Arduino development kits, Raspberry PI, 3D printers and possibly a hexacopter and Arduino robot.
Thanks to Starcube’s partners like Microsoft, AVG or Honeywell and because of their cooperation with Czech angel and venture capital groups, startups can access all the latest technologies and also have access a follow-up investment.
“We are interested in teams which have global ambitions and want to build a sustainable business with the help of JIC and our technology partners,,” states the JIC STARCUBE manager Hana Šudáková
[easy-tweet tweet=”#Starcube, #Czech oldest #accelerator, Is looking for #CEE #startups @JIC_Brno” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://goo.gl/pE7wtD”]
JIC Starcube is the longest running Czech accelerator. Already 72 startups have entered its gates since 2010 and received benefits and financial support for testing and prototyping, legal or tax services, marketing and reimbursement of travel and accommodation. Among the successful companies that have gone through the accelerator, are such names as GINA, Reservio or one of the currently fastest growing startup Kiwi (formerly Skypicker).