Bucharest, Romania is a booming gaming industry hub, where most of the big players established development studios: Electornic Arts, Ubisoft, Gameloft, King/Activision Blizzard, and many more. That means there are a lot of experienced people going the indie way and starting little game projects of their own. But then, the realities of an overcrowded indie game market hit them hard.
That’s where Cătălin Butnariu, Dragoş Hâncu and Jaime Gine, all with extensive experience in the game development industry, came in – they just founded Carbon, the first video-games incubator in Romania.
[..] Our mission is to develop the local entrepreneurship in the gaming area, help the projects with potential to grow and build a name on a market still very unfriendly with the startups in this industry. [..]
declared Cătălin Butnariu,Carbon co-founder & president of Romanian Game Developers Association (RGDA)
Carbon is a unique approach to indie growth – they believe that for an indie to succeed, long-term nurturing, up to the game’s launch, is the ideal path.
The teams accepted in the program will be able to access mentorship from industry veterans, development services, legal & accounting services, PR & marketing, sponsorships, publishing. Also, the most promising teams can receive funding for up to 50K$ in cash.
Carbon won’t take equity from the companies, but will ask for 7-21% of the game’s gross revenue, depending on the level of services and funding they provided.
[easy-tweet tweet=”Carbon first #Video #Game #Incubator in #Romania asking for 7-21% of the game’s gross revenue” user=”150sec” hashtags=”CEEmakers” url=”http://wp.me/p6MtIQ-Zr”]
The incubator already counts 2 games in its portfolio (Gray Dawn & Meme Wars) and plans to select 4 or 5 additional teams in 2016. The application process will open at the beginning of May (although if you’re determined team you can already access the application form 🙂