How often do your friends end up sharing their photos? Basically never. Which means there are hundreds of photos of you and your memories stuck on your friends’ phones.
Because preserving life memories is important for many people, Hungarian app givme is planning to solve this problem. Their mission is to make collecting memories as simple as possible. It automatically creates a shared photo album for friends that you took photos with. It’s private photo sharing for real friends and using the native address book and location information, the app notifies you when there are photos available to request or share. This way you can just take photos, enjoy the moment, and when you’re done, share them all in a few seconds.
Givme founder Robert Etropolsky started developing this platform after his first succes at building the Hungarian fashion house Nanushka and found an angel investor Murray Hidary in New York. Since then they were selected out of 400 Startups at Launch Festival to present their beta version in front of thousands of people.
„I view business ventures as ideas in action, pioneering new ways of doing things and building great teams.” said Murray about his investments that clearly-expressed his entrepreneurial mindset.
[easy-tweet tweet=”A simple #new way to share #photos with your friends with @yesgivme #app” user=”150sec” hashtags=”startup” url=”https://goo.gl/Cw84NO”]
The app is not really a social media platform but it’s designed to share high resolution photos privately with your friends. You can test it now since they began doing their Beta testing in Europe to implement users feedback before launching to the American market.